A child hears the coughing of his bedridden mother. He couldn't find any medicine. He summons his courage and heads out to buy some. Rain pours and thunder roars as he passes through the creepy park. He remembers his late father's words; his presence follows the child like a butterfly. Can the child gets the medicine?小孩聽見臥病在床的媽媽正在咳嗽,想拿藥給她吃,卻竟發現藥瓶內空空如也。戶外忽然雷聲大作,他想起亡父跟他說過的一番話,於是鼓起勇氣出外買藥。天下著大雨,小孩途經陰森可怖的公園,膽戰心驚,急步往前跑,不慎摔了一跤。爸爸雖不在人世,卻彷彿化成了蝴蝶,一直陪伴著他們。小孩能否排除萬難,買藥回家呢?