The boy in this story has had a hard time growing up. Bullied by his peers and pressured by his teachers to study hard, his unhappiness is reflected in the dark paintings that he produces. His one friend is a rabbit that he finds and adopts. This friendship helps him see the beauty in life.男孩經常矇上眼睛,在牆上胡亂畫著灰暗的交叉。他自幼便飽受同儕欺凌,獨自落淚。少年時,男孩遇上了小兔作伴,但他仍要獨自面對只重視成績的老師。青年時,小兔依舊陪伴在男孩身邊;男孩想到過去的不如意,不禁淆然淚下。他像小時候般矇上眼睛,不斷在牆上畫著交叉。兔子為了鼓勵男孩,於是……