A man sets a trap for his friends. The man meets four friends in a factory building and lures them into taking drugs. A man and a woman get infected first; they vomit violently and lose consciousness. The other two are not affected by the infection. Can they finally escape?男子設下圈套,企圖瞞騙四位友人服用藥粉,以助他煉藥。他相約四人到工廠大廈會面,以毒品為餌,誘使他們吸食藥粉。吸食後,其中一女一男先後受到感染,嘔吐大作,且神智不清。當中二人卻不受藥粉影響,男子其後欲將他們活捉,他們最終能逃脫嗎?