Ever wonder what life is like in a remote rural setting? Baoshan is a group of little villages in the mountains of Yunnan near Lijiang. Home to the Naxi minority, these villages are unreachable by car. Life in Baoshan’s Stone Village is self-sufficient and simple, and beautiful but numbers are dwindling, as youngsters are drawn to the outside world for bigger horizons and bigger paychecks. But what remains for the older villagers?在遍佈高山峻嶺的雲南高原,大大小小的村莊坐落在群山之間。這些村莊裏住著不同的民族,有著各自不同的生活。位於麗江縣寶山鄉的牧牛科村是延綿大山中的一個納西族村莊,要到達這個村子需要先搭車到石頭城這個地方,然後再步行走四十多分鐘到山路。雖然石頭城是一個小有名氣的文化遺產,但是通到那裏到唯一公路比較險峻,所以來訪的遊客並不多。與石頭城相比,沒有公路到達的牧牛科更是閉塞。牧牛科這個村子本身並不算小,但是現在幾乎人去屋空。那麼,現在這個村子裏不到一半的居民們他們的生活是怎樣的呢?