Pet grooming is a trend in Hong Kong. Some people like to dye the shells of their hermit crabs; some dye their pets’ hair. But veterinarians point out that hair coloring poses high risk to pets; it may damage pets’ hair follicles. Pet owners are advised not to have fun at the expense of their pets’ health.香港人喜歡跟隨潮流,飼養新興寵物,在寄居蟹的殼塗上五彩繽紛的顏色,殼面出現可愛的圖案。光油需要有機溶劑稀釋,危害寄居蟹的生命。寵物美容服務是另一股潮流,染毛風氣從台灣傳到香港,不少狗主趨之若鶩,紛紛仿效。獸醫指出,貓狗與人類的毛髮質不同,染料容易傷及牠們的毛囊。為了引人注目,他們令寵物承受不必要的痛苦。