I am an artist, but my job is dull and fails to bring me a good income. I am despised by my family and students, and this pressure restrains my creativity. Should I give up? A little boy inspires me: I have lost my original aspiration; it is not the responsibilities of other people. Shedding the gloom, I start a new life.人很善忘,容易忘記從前訂下的人生目標與志向。從事藝術工作的我,生活單調乏味,入息又不高,遭受家人與學生的白眼。諸種無形壓力下,創作力乏善可陳。那暗示我要放棄嗎?一個神秘小孩的出現,讓我得到了啟示,不是別人誤解自己,而是自己迷失了方向。走肉行屍般的我,再次朝目標進發,尋回人生的意義。