Children are celebrating Christmas by exchanging presents. But a lonely boy waits eagerly for Santa’s arrival. He dreams of getting a superman costume that not only looks cool but can let him help others. He wakes up and finds his dream comes true. Joyfully, he puts on the costume and helps people in need ...每個小朋友都快樂地慶祝聖誕節,互相交換禮物。孤獨的小男孩卻興致勃勃地等待聖誕老人來臨。他夢想得到一件超人戰衣,不但帥氣,更可以幫助別人。小男孩醒來,發現美夢成真,高興地穿上戰衣,並四處去拯救及幫助有急需的人……