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Academy of Visual Arts視覺藝術院  |  Faculty學院  |  2015
Chinese calligraphy, Seals, Ink on paper中國書法, 篆刻, 紙  |  00:55:0000:55:00  |  Artwork藝術作品

The exhibition showcases works of Chinese calligraphy and seal engraving by Dr. Daniel Lau and his students at Hong Kong Baptist University. Most students’ works were finished as partial requirements of the various Chinese calligraphy and seal engraving courses conducted by Dr. Daniel Lau. In these courses, the dialogues between students and their teacher played a pivotal role in the interactive teaching-and-learning process. The exhibition title “Daniel Says” is a witty adaptation of the Cantonese version (literally translated as “the teacher says”) of the popular children game named “Simon Says.” Dr. Daniel Lau’s verbal comments on students’ works have been transformed into the teacher’s calligraphic colophons on students’ works. Featuring the collaborative works jointly finished by the teacher and students, a substantial part of this exhibition emphasizes this interactive approach of art-making and teaching-and-learning philosophy.

(The English text is provided by the faculty)
是次展覽題為「老師話」,分別展出劉澤光博士和他學生的作品,包括書法及印章。當中的學生作品大部份均為學生在劉博士課堂上呈交的功課。在劉博士的教室裡,師生之間的對話和互動最為重要。展題「老師話」取自小朋友之間依然流行、源自外國(原名Simon Says)的同名遊戲,取其諧趣,也取其意涵:在展覽裡,劉老師正正就是用書法,把評語寫到學生的作品之上,強調及體現了師生互動的創作理念和教學精神。
APA: LAU, Chak-kwong Daniel劉澤光. (2015). Daniel Says老師話. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/owners/Faculty/ids/HER-011011
MLA: LAU, Chak-kwong Daniel劉澤光. "Daniel Says老師話". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/owners/Faculty/ids/HER-011011>.

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Zen Stones
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