Yanni is a villager, who has moved to Hong Kong. She returns home to cancel her original citizenship. During the trip, she encounters a car accident and meets another villager Ani. Ani is a happy person, but Yanni is not due to her experience in Hong Kong. What will happen when these two ladies meet?農村人李怡然嚮往城市生活,離開家鄉雲南金竹寨到香港唸大學。她取得香港身份證後,決定回鄉注銷戶籍,旅途中卻遇上車禍。幸得農村少女阿妮相助脫險。阿妮天真開朗,樂於助人。怡然受城市生活的影響,充滿自我防衛心。兩個人有著不同的抱負及生活態度,她們的相處會產生甚麼樣的火花呢?