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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2008
00:06:0000:06:00  |  Animations動畫

A red-headed girl sees another girl flying with balloons. She chases her on the back of a red bird but falls into the water. Still, she is happy and swims with the fish. Later, she meets the girl again, but it turns out to be a dream. In fact she lives in a dull and lonely world. Will she ever catch up with the girl? 蒲公英隨風飄到河上,幻變成紅色女孩。她看到綠色女孩在天空中,隨著汽球自由自在地飛翔。紅色女孩於是坐在大鳥上追著綠色女孩,雖然失敗掉落河中,但她仍保持心境開朗,與四周的魚兒一同暢泳。紅色女孩坐在河邊,看著燦爛的陽光,綠色女孩迎面飛來……原來,剛才只是一場夢,紅色女孩一直生活在陰蔽的世界裡。此時,綠色女孩竟再出現……
APA: WONG, Chui YanWONG, Chui Yan. (2008). DandelionDandelion. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010267
MLA: WONG, Chui YanWONG, Chui Yan. "DandelionDandelion". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2008. Web. 20 Feb. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010267>.

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