As the old Chinese saying goes, "The same kind of rice provides for a hundred kinds of people (一樣米養百樣人)." Literally, it means everybody thinks a little differently regardless of their similar backgrounds.
The nature of Chinese characters resembles that of people. Though having the same origin, their contents can be vastly different. Some even look strange and awkward. To echo with the theme of this work, Chinese characters beginning with the radical "宀" or being related to the theme are remade into new but strange ones.
My work was inspired by last year Umbrella Movement that happened in Hong Kong fighting for a fair election. It had shown people's solidarity and peacefulness. Nevertheless, dark, chilling sides – Government's defamation and splitting up - had also been unveiled.
In this work, I tried to redefine some of the key values of our home and through this, satirized ridiculous social phenomena.