A man on his way back home meets a crying girl looking for mother. He does not bother to help her, who later ends up in a car accident. Next day his own daughter gets lost, and a car runs into her. His daughter is sent to a hospital where the two girls meet ...男子接到女兒的電話後,隨即趕緊回家。在路途上,男子買棉花糖給女兒吃時,偶遇一位迷路的小女孩。她驚惶失措,淚珠盈眶,請求男子幫忙尋找母親。男子卻不施予援手,小女孩最終遇上交通事故。某日,男子與女兒逛街時,女兒忽然走失。她於慌亂之下,衝出馬路並遇到車禍意外。在醫院裡,兩個小女孩碰巧遇上……