A German psychiatrist reveals that farming or getting in touch with nature can alleviate the mental pressure and cure depression of human beings. Mr and Mrs "Savage" are self-sufficient by farming in the field. Fuels for livelihood are obtained from local sources. Household furniture is leftovers from others. This way of life brings them happiness. But it does not last forever...... Somebody opens "City Farm" on the rooftop of an industrial building to teach others about organic farming and lease out "grid fields" for farming novices. They can have fun during the process. But, such “retreat away from the world” is on the verge of expulsion......一個德國精神科醫生發現,人類耕種或接觸大自然,有助減輕精神壓力,治療抑鬱。「野人」夫婦在田園耕作自給自足,生活燃料都是就地取材,屋內家具也是人棄我取。這種生活帶給他們快樂,卻不是永恆……。有人在工廠大廈天台開辦「都市農莊」,教授有機種植的知識和出租「格仔田」給農友耕種。農友可享受個中樂趣。不過,這些「世外桃源」隨時會面臨迫遷……