Change in ordinary. Hong Kong office workers are all living beneath a boring routine schedule. Does it mean that it cannot be changed? “Chang Chaan Teng” tells you the answer is No! Whether or not your life is happy depends on the way you change your living style. It is a new brand of a Hong Kong customized local restaurant, which is designed based on a flexible concept 3Q - Quick, Quantity and Quality.
(The text is provided by the student)在平常中改變自己。香港打工仔日忙夜忙,每日就係重重覆覆,起身返工,食飯放工。係依個沉悶既生活當中,「常餐廳」話比你知,其實只要你肯改變一下自己既生活模式,凡事都可以生活得更不一樣。