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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2011
00:09:0000:09:00  |  Animations動畫

Dawn just bought her first "A-Book". Through her conversations with the book, she decided to be a writer. The publisher is happy with her first draft and asks her to do some minor changes. Aiming high, Dawn works with her "A-Book" to revise the whole story. But the "A-Book" of the publisher does not like the new story, and ... 擠迫的街道上,各人都拿著A-Book,向它諮詢不同的生活問題。少女Dawn跑進書店,購買她的第一部A-Book。Dawn與A-Book交談之後,她立定主意成為作家。書商十分滿意她的小說初稿,認為只需略作修改就能出版。為了達到完美效果,Dawn請A-Book為她重新構思小說情節。書商的A-Book竟不滿意新故事,這導致書商拒絕替Dawn出版……
APA: DIU, Hiu TungDIU, Hiu Tung. (2011). Before Dawn破曉前. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010532
MLA: DIU, Hiu TungDIU, Hiu Tung. "Before Dawn破曉前". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2011. Web. 13 Mar. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010532>.

Persistent link永久網址  |  Library catalogue圖書館目錄
WU, Hoi Kiu;LAI, Kam Tim;TSANG, Chi Wah
WU, Hoi Kiu;LAI, Kam Tim;TSANG, Chi Wah
Yellow Book
LAU, Suet Ying;YEUNG, Tsz Ngo Poppy;WONG, Chun Hei
Yellow Book
LAU, Suet Ying;YEUNG, Tsz Ngo Poppy;WONG, Chun Hei
I Never Forget
LUNG, Yan Yu
LUNG, Yan Yu
Before Dawn
DIU, Hiu Tung
DIU, Hiu Tung
MA, Po Yi
MA, Po Yi
All Around x3
TSE, Ming Kwong
All Around x3
TSE, Ming Kwong
Awesome & Fantastic
AU, Ka Sin
Awesome & Fantastic