12th Global Chinese Universities Student Film and Television Festival: Outstanding Experimental Film Award香港浸會大學第12屆「全球華語大學生影視獎」:優秀實驗片獎
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On her way back to class after her schoolmates play a prank on her, by putting something gross in her thermos, Alice follows a white rabbit in to mysterious room, where suddenly….
Back in class, the same bullies discover, Alice’s reflection does not appear in a hand-held mirror! Find out what happens when Alice’s schoolmate uncovers her secret.在課室裡,愛麗絲遭受女同學們戲弄,險些兒吞下海蜈蚣,立即衝入洗手間,吐出穢物。她返回課室途中,忽見白兔跑過,於是追上前去,不知不覺地走進神秘的房間。她發現白兔後,房間突然……。上課時,女同學照鏡,發覺在鏡中看不見背後的愛麗絲,感到十分奇怪。愛麗絲與另一名女同學一起做壁報,她發現愛麗絲的秘密,招來殺身之禍。這時候,兩個愛麗絲竟同時出現……