The construction of a high speed railway link triggered the so-called “post-80s” social movement. In an attempt to protect Choi Yuen Village from “developer hegemony”, the post-80s form of protest mimicked that of ascetic monks. But how long will their determination and devotion to this social movement last? Only time will tell.高鐵事件彰顯了八十後社運的崛起。反高鐵已成為八十後的代表口號,燃燒著青春,八十後有的是時間,輸得起,放得低,勝在有熱血,有青春。菜園村事件,掀起了一班八十後青年的反霸權,反政府心火。苦行僧式創新的抗爭手法,的確比遊行引來更大注目,是否一時衝動,三分鐘熱度的參與,還是這群八十後無殼一群的另類控訴,還看這批八十後的未來造化。