Is Re-housing in the Same Development what the Elderly Wants?
Re-housing in the same development does not solve all the problems of the elderly residents of Tai Hang Tung Estate, which is undergoing a major revitalization project. Old residents still find hard to become accustomed to the new environment and new neighbors in the area.屋邨需要重建,房屋委員會原區安置居民,這措施未必符合老人的心意。長者與鄰居建立深厚的感情,長期依賴他們的支援。房委會安排居民搬到附近的屋邨,長者難以融入新環境,部分的與新鄰居格格不入。附近設施轉變,他們需要時間來適應。社工建議,老人家早些參與重建的過程,減少搬往新環境的心理障礙。有一班長者成立權益組,為邨民謀福利。