On Christmas eve, all toys have Christmas presents prepared for their partners, except a toy cat. He thinks that the best gift for his girlfriend is love. This makes his girlfriend very angry. She leaves him alone, and this provides Snowman a chance to make fun of her. At this time, the toy cat shows up and ...聖誕夜,玩具們都忙著把禮物送給他們的另一半,貓布偶非常羨慕,但她男友卻以「我們之間的愛就是最好的禮物」為理由,沒有準備任何禮物。這使她非常生氣,對男友張牙舞爪,決意不再理睬他。男友十分傷心,看見其他布偶成雙成對,倍感孤單。雪人乘人之危,戲弄貓布偶,這時男友挺身而出……