Football is much more than a pastime to Su Lai Keung and A Ji. The game stopped them from going further astray, and opened the door to a more meaningful and fruitful life. Now, Su Lai Keung is a famous football player, and A Ji works as a junior football coach.許多人視踢足球為消遣活動,它卻改變了失落青年的一生。蘇來強和阿雞都無心向學,輟學後迷失自我,蹉跎青春歲月。後來,他們與足球再續前緣,它為二人帶來曙光,令他們重獲自信。兩人創造光明前路,蘇來強成為著名的職業球員;阿雞則當上初級教練,以足球引領邊緣青年走上正途。