Registration of Chinese Medical Practitioners adds some new faces to the medical market. In 1998, three tertiary institutions in Hong Kong offered Bachelor of Chinese Medicine in five-year curricula. There are about a hundred Chinese Medical graduates every year. A lot of Chinese Medical graduates work in public organisations under Hospital Authority to understudy and gain clinical experiences. Three years later, many of them switched to private organizations or opened their own clinics. Young Chinese Medical Practitioners are green hands. Their medical skills harbour suspicion inevitably. They come up with all sorts of plots. Can they build a new image of professionalism? Can they come up with a new way to practise Chinese Medicine?中醫註冊制,為醫療市場注入新血。1998年,香港三間大專院校開辦五年制中醫學士課程,每年大概有一百名中醫學生畢業。不少中醫畢業生進入醫管局轄下的公營機構工作,跟診和吸取臨床經驗。三年後,他們很多會轉投私人機構或開設診所。年輕中醫師資歷淺,醫術難免受人質疑。他們各出奇謀,能否建立專業新形象呢?能否走一條新的中醫路呢?