Chek Yin thinks that life is meaningless, so he ends it by jumping in front of a train. His good friend, Yi Shun, believes that his death is just an accident. Their classmate Cheung Ka-lun tries to comfort her. Together they find clues to Chek Yin's suicidal thoughts through his favorite lyrics. Yi Shun cannot accept the fact...生命是否為了等待死亡來臨而存在?生活為了甚麼?卓然認為生存沒有意義而跳軌自殺,好友尹純卻認為是一場意外,對卓然之死耿耿於懷。插班生張家綸對尹純關懷備至,努力開解她的失落情緒,家綸透過卓然借出唱片之歌詞,作為線索,印證卓然確有自殺傾向,尹純卻未能理解好友的想法......