I wish to develop a personal visual language based on the physical qualities of bamboo as a material, and through a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage and significance.
Through working with the material and understanding its strengths and weaknesses, I established a harmony and "oneness" with the substance end structure of bamboo. The repetitive process of shaving layer upon layer of material from a freshly cut bamboo pole, reducing it from a three-dimensional structural volume to a wafer-thin translucent sheet, was a transformative experience.
This experience of exploring the special qualities of this unique and versatile material has enabled me to develop a new way of positioning bamboo within the context of contemporary visual arts.
(The text is provided by the student)透過研習竹的物理特性和其歷史文化語境,我由工藝的實踐裏獲得如何處理物料的經驗。從中體悟到物料自身的物理特性外,更與它之間建立起一種和諧與「一致」的狀態。