DJ Tim Cheng receives a strange call on his call-in radio show one night. Suddenly he falls ill and when he speaks, his voice has an eerie robotic sound.
A man, who lives by his voice, cannot deal with sounding like an abrasive machine. He retreats from life, emerging only see his therapist, until one day he saves a man in a street accident. Will his new status as hero, allow him to reemerge and maybe regain his voice?唱片騎師鄭子誠久休復出,再次主持電台晚間節目。直播期間,聽眾的一句話,令子誠感到很不安。他衝入洗手間,嘔吐起來。工作人員催促他,子誠回覆,喉嚨竟發出電腦怪聲。他接受心理學家治療,以便找出病源。子誠離開住所,記者們馬上追訪他,他不作回應,拔足狂奔,聽見有人暈倒,立即折返救人。他的英勇行為在網上瘋傳,他受到激贊。子誠在街上發現「偷走他的聲音」的人,即刻追上前去……