Tattooists are considered as the source of rebellion because we are the creator of the rebellious mark. When people are labeling us for our decorated bodies, I want to provide another way to understand our stories we carry on our backs. In this series I drew portraits of several HK-based tattooist in the consistent illustrating style in which I use to design tattoos. With their tattoos re-arranged as decorations surrounding their faces, hopefully people will be curious about who we are, instead of judging how we look.
(The text is provided by the student)我發現紋身師被認定是反叛的根源,因為我們為人們刻下叛逆的標誌。 當所有人因我們的圖案而標籤的時候,我希望提供另一種方式來理解我們身體上的故事。 這個系列中,我以紋身畫風畫了幾個香港紋身師的人像。 他們的紋身重新繪畫為視覺上的裝飾,希望觀眾會好奇那些圖案盛載什麼故事,而不是一味批評我們的外觀。