|·o·||·o·||·o·||·o·||·o·||·o·| is an exploration on the inter-play of musicality and space. It consists of six tracks of musical compositions, each of which is playing back in a loop from a CD in a self-modified CD player. The tonality of composition is written based on the manipulation of playback time and various points of diffusion within the room. By articulating the musical compositions through the systematic display of the gadgets, the intent then is to construct a sonic landscape that explores the variability of sound.
(The text is provided by the student)「·|囗|··|囗|··|囗|··|囗|··|囗|··|囗|·」由六組音樂作品組成,每組音樂在我改造的光碟機裡循環播放,作品試圖探索音樂性和空間的相互關係。音樂的音調是根據對播放時間的控制和空間散佈的位置來編寫的。由上述概念下,藉著光碟機這個系統,整體的意圖是希望展示一種對音調的藝術性體現,及創建出一種聲音景象來探究聲音的可變性。