I question about how an identity is built. It's concededly one identity is formed because of another identities, it's what we call relationships -- relationships with the society, friends, family, and lover. One is affecting another one, one is forming another one, one is deforming another one, one is trying to be reformed because of another one. The portraits are unquestionably reflecting my experiences, my congruency of needs, my behavioral capacities, and my feelings of ecstasy.
(The English text is provided by the student)我疑惑,身份是如何建構的。毫無疑問,身份往往因另一身份而生,這也正是所謂的「關係」-- 社會、朋友、家庭、戀人之間的關係。它們互相影響;互相建立。互相解除,再嘗試重建。這些人像無疑是反映著我的經歷,我一致的需要,我行為上的限制,以及我迷幻的感覺。