A young man is obsessed with pretty women. In order to get a job as a pizza delivery boy, he pretends to be a homosexual. He keeps a record of all different types of women whom he meets during delivery. One day, he has to deliver pizzas to the home of a cover girl, and his life is no long the same…Pizza仔兒時受父親影響,變得十分喜愛美女,但為了得到薄餅店的工作,他向老闆訛稱自己是同性戀者。他喜歡送外賣,可以騎著電單車四處去……看美女。每次送完外賣,那兒有醜女、老嫗、妓女、美女等等的各種女性類型,都一一記錄下來。一天,他送外賣到他傾慕已久、薄餅店廣告女郎的家,自此,他的生活就再不一樣了。