A man was going to a special place and he met many people who all looked the same. It made him depressed as he was not special, at the moment, he was told to bring along with his most cherish stuff in his whole life but he found nothing …
(The text is provided by the student)一生都被所謂的「不設實際」束縛著,生命來到盡頭時回過頭看,卻發現沒有一樣值得珍惜的東西……今天是特別的日子,他要趕到一個地方。路途中遇到很多跟他幾乎一模一樣的人,令他發覺原來自己是這麼普通,此時,他被告知要攜帶一件人生中最重要的物件,但他卻想不想可以帶甚麼東西……