Hong Kong is over! Ah Luk curses. No one knows whether it is a forecast or a fact. Sheung Sheung is a romanticist. She is happy but also frustrated at her life. Life is not always easy, so how do these two sisters withstand? The answer lies in somewhere between rightfulness and abasement.「香港已經玩完!」阿綠這樣詛咒著,是預言?還是現實?當希望失手,跑出來的自我仍有殺傷力。雙雙,一個浪漫主義者生活在極其不穩定的當下,快樂卻苦惱,每天都在不安的空氣中,誠惶誠恐。兩姊妹永遠有一肚子的正義與自卑,這是她們應付世界最有力的武器。