Aggression is often a camouflage for insecurity. No one is born to be brave and strong, in certain sense, everyone is weak as glass. Some of us are scared to be hurt, then they keep all people at arm ' s length to avoid getting hurt, like the rose needs their thorn to avoid being plucked. In result, they losing something deep inside but loneness remain.
(The text is provided by the student)攻擊性的外表往往是內心感到不安而偽裝出來的。 沒有是天生是勇敢和堅強的人,反之每個人都是猶如軟弱的玻璃。我們會因害怕受到傷害,於是把他人的關心拒於千里之外,就像玫瑰需要它們的刺來保護自己,把自己孤立起來,獨個兒感受內心深處的靜寂。