What is home to you? Is it a place that more and more young people can not afford in Hong Kong nowadays? Is it just a feeling where love resides, memories are created, and the heart is?
“HOME” is hard to define. A lot of people are occupied with such a busy life that they seldom have time to think about the meaning of home.
By presenting an urban night with typical tall building blocks where numerous lights shine in the dark, this project aims to evoke people’s deeper reflection on the simple but underexplored concept – “HOME”, which is a social concern worthy of our attention.
Each light indicates a family home where people belong. Somewhere in the night, there is always a LIGHT.
(The text is provided by the student)每當夜幕降臨,城市被萬家燈火點亮。在這片燈海中,每一盞閃爍的燈光都代表一戶人家。家中各種聲音傳遞著生命的脈動,共同交織成這座城市獨特的韻律。這樣的光點之於你,意味著什麼?你可聽見這個城市的律動?家,又應該如何定義?