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Department of Journalism新聞系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2017
00:14:0000:14:00  |  Documentaries紀錄片

Do You Buy The KOLs?

The term KOL (Key Opinion Leader) means a leader who serves as a medium to disseminate messages to the audience and thus influencing them. Most of the KOLs are ordinary people who build up their popularity on social network platforms and then became social media celebrities. KOLs are rising with their increasing number of fans. Therefore, a lot of brands want to ride on this new trend and use their influence to gain profits. | Jerry Chan (陳國熙) is a KOL from the travelling sector. Around 60% of the content on his social network platform is his own sharing while 40% of them are advertisement. | Willy Lai (賴志偉) is the founder of “Adfocate” (a social network community platform for KOLs). He has studied the different affect between a KOL and a celebrity's advertising. | Ng Yuk Kok (吳若谷), Director for Marketing and Communication, thinks that the influence of KOLs is not limited to their fan base… | Scholar Chan Ka Wah (陳家華) has been studying the relationship between advertising and consumer behaviours. She points out that the current Internet technology can measure more accurately how KOL's advertisements influence consumers. | Stacey Lee (李澄怡) expresses her opinion towards KOL. | Dr. Jeffrey Hui (「凌羽一」) teaches a university course about KOL. He thinks that the way how some KOLs advertise is problematic...
KOL(Key Opinion Leader,關鍵意見領袖)是指意見領袖作為「中介」把信息傳播給受眾,影響他人。KOL大多數都是素人(普通人),在社交平台上建立知名度,變成社交媒體紅人。KOL興起,各自有「粉絲」,不少品牌客戶看準新趨勢,希望透過他們的網上影響力來帶動「粉絲」消費。陳國熙(Jerry)是旅遊KOL,大約一半的收入,來自品牌廣告。他在社交平台的內容,六成是自己的分享,四成是廣告。賴志偉(Willy)是「KOL社群平台」創辦人,分析「KOL」跟以往的藝人明星做廣告有甚麼不同。市場傳訊總監吳若谷認為,「KOL」的影響力,不只是局限在他們的粉絲群……。學者陳家華研究廣告和消費者行為。她指出,現時的網絡技術更準確地量度「KOL」廣告對消費者的影響。李澄怡(Stacey)講述自己對「KOL」的看法。「凌羽一」在大學任敎有關「KOL」的課程,認為部分「KOL」賣廣告的手法有問題……
APA: CHAN, Kar WingCHAN, Kar Wing. (2017). KOL你「buy唔buy」?KOL你「buy唔buy」?. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011222
MLA: CHAN, Kar WingCHAN, Kar Wing. "KOL你「buy唔buy」?KOL你「buy唔buy」?". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2025. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011222>.

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