Hong Kong parents tend to arrange a busy schedule of tutorial for their children in an attempt to foster multiple intelligences in their learning. According to child psychologists, these practices may do more harm than good because parents commonly ignore interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences, which are two important core components of multiple intelligences.在香港,多元智能(語言、內省、社交、數理邏輯、自然觀察、視覺圖像、聽覺音樂、身體肢覺)學習成為大趨勢。不少父母沒有考慮孩子的能力,強迫他們學習多項課程而疲於奔命。兒童心理學家指出,香港家長曲解多元智能,追求樣樣皆精,忽略它的真正核心──社交和內省智能。家長忽視培育孩子的獨立人格,剝奪他們的時間和空間,最終是苦了孩子。