Manpower Cannot Catch Up with the Development of Macau.
In recent years, Macau has been developing rapidly. Many companies cannot find an adequate number of suitable workers locally, so they must hire people from outside Macau. Research suggests that training and developing people in Macau is the ultimate solution to this labour shortage, as well as a necessary requirement for the sustainable development of the city.近年,澳門經濟發展蓬勃,很多公司紛紛雇用人手,不少外地人往當地工作。人力資源追不上經濟發展的步伐。澳門為應付不同的發展項目,輸入不少當地所缺乏的管理專才。外勞政策欠缺透明度,法律又落後,導致黑工問題浮現,令當地人不滿。學術機構及工會的研究都建議,政府在培育工作上應多撥資源,加強當地人的競爭力和改善經濟結構的問題。