People now can text message on a smartphone and simultaneously update their status at ease. However, the convenience brings out anxiety when people suffer from phone withdrawal. In an attempt to reveal the psychiatric unwellness and the distorted form of communication caused by smartphones, my work aims to question the epidemic of addicted behavior. Executed in clerical-script calligraphy that conveys the efficaciousness of a special elixir, a series of medicine advertisement is portraying ironic products in gongbi, or fine line technique in Chinese painting that claims to cure the so-called "Hand, Phone and Mouth Disease". Revealing the ubiquitous phenomenon of smartphone addiction, this series mocks the absurd behavior of the city dweller in a playfully sarcastic tone.
(The text is provided by the student)智能手機的方便改變我們的溝通模式,彷似傳染病般散播給每一位,使人無時無刻只顧對着手機屏幕。為探討手機成癮引起的溝通問題,作品以工筆勾畫一系列靈丹妙藥,並配合以隸書書寫的廣告標語,諷刺城市人荒謬的行為。