An advertisement from ICAC promotes zero tolerance against corruption: Many animals live happily at the big tree. One day, a greedy worm comes and eats on the big tree. The animals tolerate in the hope that it would stop when it has had enough. But the worm do not stop, and the animals have to learn their lesson.這是一個廉政公署的廣告,宣傳舉報貪污不容忍的訊息。在大樹上的小動物,一直都在愉快地生活著。 有一天,貪食蟲來到樹下,蠶食他們的樂土。小動物對牠的行為一直容忍,希望牠會適可而止,可惜事與願違,貪食蟲見無人阻止,變本加厲,貪得無厭地把整個樂園摧毀。最後,小動物都學會了漠視等於縱容的教訓。
APA: TSUI, Tsz Hoi; LAM, Wang Chak; CHOI, Ting FungTSUI, Tsz Hoi; LAM, Wang Chak; CHOI, Ting Fung. (2012). Defending Our Homeland with Integrity以廉潔保衛家園. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage:
MLA: TSUI, Tsz Hoi; LAM, Wang Chak; CHOI, Ting FungTSUI, Tsz Hoi; LAM, Wang Chak; CHOI, Ting Fung. "Defending Our Homeland with Integrity以廉潔保衛家園". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2025. <>.