Organic farming is heavily promoted these days, and there are a number of organic farms in Hong Kong. These not only supply healthy farm produce but also provide us with a chance to get closer to nature. However, the interests of major property companies may threaten the development and survival of organic farming, as more land is turned over to residential and commercial use.無論有機冇機,搵食確實艱難,何況在石屎森林,香港這個寸金尺土的地方搞有機耕作,的確難上加難。目前香港有不少有機耕作農場,有羊有菜,不單有得食,更可親親大自然,簡直一樂也。可惜現時不少有潛質耕作的農地買少見少,隨著地產霸權,見地收地,搞有機耕作農場,還有沒有生存的空間?