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Department of Communication Studies傳播系  |  Bachelor學士  |  2010
00:02:0000:02:00  |  Advertising廣告策略

A boy steps in a door and arrives a garden full of sunshine. He plays football happily. He steps in the door again, and this time he comes to a room where he plays piano and does drawings cheerfully... The boy is found at a desk full of books. His father blames him for not finishing his homework and is going to slap his face ... 男童踏進一道門,來到一個充滿陽光及快樂的花園,男童在草地上踢球。他再踏進那門,來到一個華麗琴室,男童先雀躍地在彈奏鋼琴,再愉快地在畫圖畫。原來這是一道「通向成功的大門」。男童透過這門參與許多不同活動,愉快地學習…… 男童在堆滿書本的桌子上低下頭,父親進來責備他為何還未完成功課,父親伸開手準備給他一個耳光……
APA: CHAN, Pui OnCHAN, Pui On. (2010). DoorDoor. Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010518
MLA: CHAN, Pui OnCHAN, Pui On. "DoorDoor". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2010. Web. 17 Sep. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-010518>.

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