Michelle’s life was in great danger more than a decade ago but she was fortunate enough to receive a liver transplant and thus regained her life. Nowadays, whenever Michelle has a moment to spare, she would be volunteering or visiting cafes to “re-feel” her new life. | Situated at Kowloon Park, the "Garden of Life” was built to commemorate the benevolence of all organ donors. The candle-like pillars signify the lightening of hopes for the organ recipients while the engraved words recorded all those heartfelt appreciations. | Even though Ah Wing was lucky enough to receive a heart transplant, his sentiments however, are different from the rest. For over a decade, he went through lots of unpleasant experiences - bouts of bacterial infections due to anti-rejection drugs have lowered his immunity. Numerous side effects also led to his having to go through continuous referral to many specialists. | While Michelle now perceives life differently and cherishes it all the more, Ah Wing has a lot of mixed feelings and a very different view. | After a long wait, King Tse finally received news that she can have a kidney transplant. She writes about this on social media sites… | Not every story ends with a happy ending. With many patients setting foot on their new and unknown journeys, the question to ask is: How should a patient with a transplant continue their journey after the rebirth?