In this video the filmmaker looks at the impact of blogging on people's lives. While interviewees acknowledge the convenience and speed of online communication, most say that they prefer in-person contact over online interactions. It is hoped that awareness of the importance of face-to-face communication can be raised.
短片的開頭記錄了製片人對網誌(blog)的看法和製作紙誌(paper blog)的背後理念;他希望透過紙誌及短片讓觀眾反思網誌溝通的缺點,就是容易忽略人與人之間的互動。短片隨後訪問了多位年輕人;受訪者探討網誌的好處壞處,分享他們寫網誌的經驗,及他們最喜歡的網誌等。大部分受訪者都較喜歡面對面溝通。