Hao knows Small Goose Pagoda like the back of his hand. Meeting a person from a different world, he learns of the truth behind the cracking and healing of the pagoda – a clash between parallel universes. Mutants from another universe are preparing to invade this world. Hao enters the fray to stop the enemy's plan.游云皓在西安博物院當導遊,熟悉小雁塔的歷史。有一天,云皓邂逅小悠。她從另一個時空穿越而來,要粉碎變節者的圖謀,令云皓無意間捲入漩渦之中。小雁塔為什麼會出現三裂三合呢?原來是平行時空之間摩擦碰撞所引起的。變節者趁時空出現裂痕,正準備入侵這個世界。云皓與小悠趕赴小雁塔,阻止他們的陰謀,途中跟變節者激戰一番。這時候,云皓的亡父竟然出現在他的眼前……